Karotten Snacks

Karotten Snacks


Sweet Platano Chips

Salted Platano Chips

Sweet Potato

Purple Sweet Potato

Brazilian Taro

Purple Sweet Potato and Sweet manioc + Salted manioc and beet

Sweet Potato straws

Tapiokitas – Tapioca Chips

Tapioca Chips Onion and parsley 35g

Tapioca Chips Onion and parsley 100g

Grilled Cheese 35g

Grilled Cheese 100g

Pops – Pop Corn Chips

Pop Corn butter Chips 35g

Pop Corn butter Chips 100g

Natural Pop Corn Salted Chips 35g

Sweet Pop Corn 35g

Cheese Nacho pop corn 35g

Cheese Nacho pop corn 100g